GLOBAL TEACHERS SOLUTIONS,LLC. Teacher Applicant Name First(Given)Name: * Middle Name: Last(Family)Name: * MaidenName(If Applicable): Contact Information Mailing Address(Please include city,country, and postal code): * Permanent Address (If different from Mailing Address): Home Telephone (Please include country and city codes): * Work Telephone (Please include country and city codes): * Mobile Telephone (Please include country and city codes): * Email Address: How frequently do you check your email? (Select one): daily weeklymonthlyNever Driving Record Information Do you have a driver's license? (Select one): YesNo * Issue Date of first driver's license (month/day/year) * How often do you drive? (Select one): dailyweeklymonthlyLess Than Monthly * In what type of environment do you most often drive?(Select one): City Small TownCountry * Classify Your Skills as a Driver(Select one): Experienced - I feel comfortable driving in any country* Experienced - I feel comfortable driving in any country Knowledgeable,but Limited Experience - I can drive; however I need to get used to driving in a new country Inexperienced - I will required initial driving instruction and support Inexperienced - I will required initial driving instruction and support * Education Please supply the following information about your post-secondary education,listing each degree as it is written on your diploma 1.Institution: Degree: Month/Year started: Month/Year Completed: Location (city/state/province and country): 2.Institution: Degree: Major (subject/concentration): Month/Year started: Month/Year Completed: Location (city/state/province and country): 3.Institution: Degree: Major (subject/concentration): Month/Year started: Month/Year Completed: Location (city/state/province and country): 4.Institution: Degree: Major (subject/concentration): Month/Year started: Month/Year Completed: Location (city/state/province and country): 5.Institution: Degree: Major (subject/concentration): Month/Year started: Month/Year Completed: Location (city/state/province and country): Do you have a foreign credentials report? (Select one): Yes No * Do you hold a teaching license/certificate/registration in your own country? (Select one): Yes No * If yes, please indicate in what subject areas: Please indicate any Special Training,Leadership Roles,Professional Awards(Special Recognitions), and/or Professional Memberships: Please list any extra-curricular activities you may have sponsored: Have you previously participated in this program?(Select one): Yes No * If yes,please indicate: From (month/year): To(month/year): Please enter the state(s) and school system(s) where you taught under this program : Have you ever had a teaching license suspended or revoked?(Select one): Yes No * If yes,please explain: Have you ever been convicted of a crime or do you currently have criminal charges pending? (Select one): YesNo * If yes,please explain: What language(s) do you speak fluently? What is/are your native language(s)?